Added new integration to BrewLogger (TapList/Pour Logging)
Added new integration to Chamber Controller (Temp Sensor)
Added new integration to Barhelper
Updated documentation
Added push feedback to UI to check status of integrations
Change wire speed to 400 Mhz (Speed up display rendering)
Added influx integration for scale data (debugging)
Added favicon
Created new user interface in VueJS and VITE
Changed all REST API’s to use json documents
Added new board esp32s3 mini
Added option to fetch temperature from brewpi-esp installation
Removed mobile dashboard, replaced with KegMonApp (see:
Added support for ESP32s3 mini
Fixed memory leak in temp sensor code
Added possiblity to run on wokwi simulator (work in progress, scales, file system not yet working)
Added option for setting pins for external devices (display, scales and sensor)
Added support for BME280 sensor + pressure information
Refactor documentation to show the hardware options better
Updating dependecies
DS18B20 temperature sensor is not the default
Updated code to support newer versions of ArduinoJSON
Fixed some issues with logging changes in levels so that the logfile is not filled with data connected to startup events
Fixed stability issue that could cause crashes
Updated display layout (One) to show details on display 2 if attached
Added support for LED 20x4 displays
Added a few new layouts including support for one single display
Refactored the display logic to make it easier to change settings and share formatting among multiple rendering options.
Updating from the 0.5 async version requires a manual reset after upload is finished to apply the new software.
Issues with connecting to DHT22 sensor on ESP32S2/S3 variant over long cables. Uncertain what causes this. Recommendation is to use DS18B20 instead on ESP32S2/S3.
BUG: Configuration lost when JSON document became to large, increased buffer to 3kb (from 2kb)
Added support for NAU7802 AD converter from sparkfun. Uses I2C bus. Will require ESP32S2/S3 for two scales and different wiring. This is EXPERIMENTAL!
Added error message to restore configuration feature in case the ID did not match.
Added pull-up resistor to temperature sensor data line (applies to both DS18B20 and DHT22)
Added web based serial console accessed via http://device/serial or ws://device/serialws (only works with async webserver)
Added mobile dashboard accessed via http://device/dashboard
Added updated schema and pcb for the HX711 edition.
Added 3d model for case that works with pcb
Moved to async webserver as standard
Added support for ESP32 s2 mini board
Upgraded Arduino frameworks to latest stable + fixed problem in HX711 library due to Arduino update.
Added backup & recovery function
Created own code for multireset feature (for entering wifi setup)
Refactored Wifi manager library since its not longer maintained by original author. Added logging output.
Experimental Async webserver support, this improves the speed of the web UI quite a lot but can be prone to crashes
Level detection has been refactored and I added a Kalman filter to remove the worst interference.
Added option to do temperature compensation of load cells in software (formula still to be concluded). Requires a temperature sensor close to the load cells.
Added integration with Home Assistant (via MQTT)
Added graphs in web interface that shows the stability (requires the web browser to be open, data storage and rendering is done in the browser)
Added some advanced configuration options to define params used by the level detection algorithm.
Refactored logoutput from WifiManager to be consistent with other logs.
Prepared support for 1.3” displays (other driver), but havent found any displays that can change I2C adress.
Logging of pours and graph to show history
Better stability & pour detection
Integration with brewspy both for level updating and beer information (waiting for API to expose FG)
Some redesign of the UI
Hardware design has been updated to have separate CLK pints to the HX scales, I found that this would make readings more unstable.