Data Formats#
iSpindle format#
This is the format used for standard http posts.
is an extended parameter containing a temperature corrected gravity reading.gravity-format
is an extended parameter containing the gravity format (G or P).run-time
is an extended parameter containing the number of seconds the execution took.
"name" : "gravmon",
"ID": "2E6753",
"token" : "gravmon",
"interval": 900,
"temperature": 20.5,
"temp-units": "C",
"gravity": 1.0050,
"angle": 45.34,
"battery": 3.67,
"rssi": -12,
"corr-gravity": 1.0050,
"gravity-unit": "G",
"run-time": 6
This is the format template used to create the json above.
"name" : "${mdns}",
"ID": "${id}",
"token" : "gravmon",
"interval": ${sleep-interval},
"temperature": ${temp},
"temp-units": "${temp-unit}",
"gravity": ${gravity},
"angle": ${angle},
"battery": ${battery},
"rssi": ${rssi},
"corr-gravity": ${corr-gravity},
"gravity-unit": "${gravity-unit}",
"run-time": ${run-time}
Brewfather format#
This is the format for Brewfather. See: Brewfather API docs
"name" : "gravmon",
"temp": 20.5,
"temp_unit": "C",
"battery": 3.67,
"gravity": 1.0050,
"gravity_unit": "G",
Influx DB v2#
This is the format for InfluxDB v2
This is the format template used to create the json above.
measurement,host=${mdns},device=${id},temp-format=${temp-unit},gravity-format=${gravity-unit} gravity=${gravity},corr-gravity=${corr-gravity},angle=${angle},temp=${temp},battery=${battery},rssi=${rssi}
This is the format used to send data to MQTT. Each of the lines are specific topics
ispindel/device_name/tilt 89.96796
ispindel/device_name/temperature 21.375
ispindel/device_name/temp_units C
ispindel/device_name/battery 0.04171
ispindel/device_name/gravity 33.54894
ispindel/device_name/interval 1
ispindel/device_name/RSSI -58
This is the format template used to create the json above.
Each line in the format is treated as one topic. The | is used as separator between lines and the first : is used as separator between topic and value. Each line is formatted as <topic>:<value>
This is a format template that is compatible with v0.6. Just replace the topic with the topic you want to post data to.
topic:{"name":"gravmon","ID":"${id}","token":"gravmon","interval": ${sleep-interval},"temperature": ${temp},"temp-units": "${temp-unit}","gravity":${gravity},"angle": ${angle},"battery":${battery},"rssi": ${rssi},"corr-gravity":${corr-gravity},"gravity-unit": "${gravity-unit}","run-time": ${run-time}}|
Contents version.json. The version is used by the device to check if the this version is newer. The html files will also be downloaded if the are present on the server. This way it’s easy to upgrade to a version that serve the html files from the file system. If they dont exist nothing will happen, the OTA flashing will still work. If the html files are missing from the file system they can be uploaded manually afterwards.
"html": [