Service Integration

This chapter contains a list of targets and what configuration is needed to interact with them.


Brewfather is an all in one service that allows you to manage you recepies and brews.

Option 1 - iSpindle Endpoint

This opion makes use of the standard http (1 or 2) endpoints in the push section. If you are using SG then the device name needs to end with [SG] or brewfather will assume that the data is in plato. You can also modify the format template using the following options:

Update the following part “gravity”: ${gravity-plato}, or “name” : “${mdns}[SG]”,`

This makes use of the standard format template, no changes needed.<yourid>

Documentation on this can be found under Brewfather iSpindle Endpoint

Option 2 - Custom Stream

This option makes use of the http push endpoint with a custom format template. Just enter the http stream adress found on brewfather, not other settings are needed. The stream endpoint URL has the following format:<yourid>

Documentation on this can be found under Brewfather Custom Endpoint

The implementation is basically a http request with the following format template:

   "name": "${mdns}",
   "temp": ${temp},
   "aux_temp": 0,
   "ext_temp": 0,
   "temp_unit": "${temp-unit}",
   "gravity": ${gravity},
   "gravity_unit": "${gravity-unit}",
   "pressure": 0,
   "pressure_unit": "PSI",
   "ph": 0,
   "bpm": 0,
   "comment": "",
   "beer": "",
   "battery": ${battery}


Fermentrack is a open source brewing software to monitor and control fermentation.

GravityMon can be installed and used as an iSpindle. Just register the device as an iSpindle and use the defined endpoint which normally is:



UBIdots is a IoT service that display data collected various sources.

For this service there are two options to configure the integration. First you will need your default token which is found under API Credentials (<api-tokem> in the example below). Swap the text <devicename> with the name you want to show in ubidots.

Option 1 - token as an URL parameter

Enter the following as URL:<devicename>/?token=<api-token>

This is the less secure option.

Option 2 - token as the http header

Enter the following as URL, use either standard or ssl.<devicename><devicename>

Under Headers (button after the http url in the UI) enter the following string:

X-Auth-Token: <api-token>

This is the more secure option.

Even though ubidots can handle the default ispindle format it probably better to just post the data you want. This is an example of a format template that can be used. For information on customizing the format see Format editor.

   "temperature": ${temp},
   "gravity": ${gravity},
   "angle": ${angle},
   "battery": ${battery},
   "RSSI": ${rssi}

Home Assistant

HomeAssistant is a platform for home automation and can collect sensor data from multiple devices.

This setup uses the MQTT integration with home assistant to collect values from the device.

This part of the configuration goes into the home assistant configuration.yaml file. The example assumes that the device is named gravmon2

- platform: mqtt
   name: "gravmon2_gravity"
   state_topic: "gravmon/gravmon2/gravity"
- platform: mqtt
   name: "gravmon2_battery"
   state_topic: "gravmon/gravmon2/battery"
- platform: mqtt
   name: "gravmon2_rssi"
   state_topic: "gravmon/gravmon2/RSSI"
- platform: mqtt
   name: "gravmon2_temp"
   state_topic: "gravmon/gravmon2/temp"

Enter the name of the MQTT server in Home Assistant in the URL. You might need to install that option first. This is the format needed to submit the data to the correct topics as needed above. You can add as many sensors / topics as you want.


Brewer’s Friend

Brewer’s friend is an all in one service that allows you to manage you recepies and brews.


I dont have an account for brewers friend so I have not been able to verfy this completely. Its based on the available documentation. If this works please let

You can find you API key when logged in to the service. Follow these instructions

Note there are different URLs if you are using plato or specific gravity![API KEY][API KEY]

From what I can read in the documentation you need to add the API key as a token as well. This can be done using a custom format for the endpoint. Just add you API key after token.

 "name" : "${mdns}",
 "ID": "${id}",
 "token" : "[API KEY]",
 "interval": ${sleep-interval},
 "temperature": ${temp},
 "temp_units": "${temp-unit}",
 "gravity": ${gravity},
 "angle": ${angle},
 "battery": ${battery},
 "RSSI": ${rssi}


BrewSpy is a service that can show the history and manage the brew.

You need to enter the Token found in brewspy. The field is found under the field for http configuration.


Thingspeak is an IoT platform for receiving data which can be visualized.

In order to use this platform you need to create a channel (channel = device) and get the APIKEY for writing to the channel. Each channel can handle up to 8 measurements. In the http field enter the following URL.

You also need to create a custom format for the selected endpoint where the field1-field8 contains the data you want to include. The example below sends 5 different values to the channel identified by the API key.

   "api_key": "<your write api key for channel>",
   "field1": ${gravity},
   "field2": ${temp},
   "field3": ${angle},
   "field4": ${battery},
   "field5": ${rssi}

Blynk is an IoT service which can be updated via http get. It also has an mobile device that can be used to show the data.

In order to use this platform you need to create a device which can be used to receive the data. Each device will have a unique token that is used to identify it. You need to use the HTTP GET option (http-3) on the device for this to work. Enter the following URL in the UI. This will allow us to update several data points at once. I usually enter the token in the token2 field so the format template does not contain any sensitive data and it’s easier to switch to another device.

In the format editor you can enter this template which will send 3 values to blynk. You can add as many as you want but make sure these are configured on the device with the correct validation option such as data type and range. The value should be on one line starting with a ?. This string will be added to the URL above when doing the post. You can add more values if you want.



If you connect the device to the brewpiless access point there is not way to access the user interface for configuration so it’s recommended to connect the device to your normal network.

The device need to have a name starting with iSpindle, for example iSpindel000. Set the URL for one of the http POST targets to http://ip/gravity where ip is the ip adress of Brewpiless.


To send iSpindel data to brewblox over mqtt you need to modify the format template to match the expected format. Once you have configured the mqtt information you also need to update the format template for this target.

This format template will post the expected json document on the topic, dont forget the | character at the end of the line which is needed to parse the payload. The first to words are the topic name and after the first : this is the json playload. Text within the brackets will be used as the unit for the value and degC is displayed as °C. You can add other parameters under the data section in the json document if you need other values as well.

brewcast/history:{"key":"${mdns}","data":{"Temperature[degC]": ${temp-c},"Temperature[degF]": ${temp-f},"Battery[V]":${battery},"Tilt[deg]":${angle},"Rssi[dBm]":${rssi},"SG":${gravity-sg},"Plato":${gravity-plato}}}|

The json message on the mqtt topic would look like this:

   "key": "gravitymon",
   "data": {
      "Temperature[degC]": 27,
      "Temperature[degF]": 80,
      "Battery[V]": 4.1,
      "Tilt[deg]": 25,
      "Rssi[dBm]": -78,
      "SG": 1,
      "Plato": 0