

This documentation reflects v0.4.0 beta 1. Last updated 2024-08-10

GravityMon Gateway is an separate project that can act as a proxy between your GravityMon devices and services. It can:

  • Receive the new GravityMon 2.0 BLE formats and transform these to HTTP Post/Get, InfluxDB or MQTT requests

  • Receive data via direct WiFi connection (Direct connection between the device and the gateway) and relay this data to defined endpoints.


The main supported hardware is ESP32s3 PRO with a TFT

There is also a build for the ESP32 PRO (Tiltbridge Hardware setup) but that does not support the new BLE formats since that board does not have BLE 5 support.

3d printable cases for the build

Most of the UI is copied from GravityMon with a few alterations so the documentation here will only point out the differences.


GravityMon Gateway does not support the TILT options, if you want to use these I recommend Tiltbridge that has a lot of good features for that. The main reason is that these formats have very little data and would require a lot of work to make the gateway add the missing information. Tiltbridge already has this support built in so it makes little sense to replicate that work.

Home page

URL: (http://gravmon-gw.local)

Home page

The main page shows the device settings as well as the latest readings from connected devices.


Device - Settings

Device Settings
  • MDNS:

    This is unique name for the device. It will be used in pushing data as well as mDNS name on the network (<name>.local). The limitation is 63 chars but using long names might break endpoints that data is sent to if they have other limitations.

  • Temperature format:

    Choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit when displaying temperature.

  • Gravity format:

    Gravity format can be either SG or Plato. The device will use SG Internally and convert to Plato when displaying or sending data.

  • Dark Mode:

    Switches the UI between light and dark mode. You can also use the toggle on the menubar for that.

  • Factory default

    This function will reset all settings to factory default. Use with caution!

  • Restart

    Restarts the device, similar to pressing the reset button

Device - Hardware

Device Hardware
  • Scan mode:

    Determine if the BLE scan will be done in active or passive mode.

  • Scan time:

    Time the BLE scan cycle. Don’t use too long time since this will impact the updates on readings and display.

  • Time zone:

    Select the timezone so that date / time will be correcly displayed. This is not an extensive list of all timezones so let me know if you are missing one.

Device - WIFI

Device WIFI

Most of these settings are the same as for GravityMon with the following expections.

  • Direct SSID:

    Name of the SSID that GravityMon devices will use in Wifi Direct mode.

  • Direct Password:

    Enter the SSID password.

  • Generate:

    Will create an SSID and Password

Push targets

Push - Settings

Push Settings
  • Token:

    If the incoming payload does not contain the token this value will be added to the outgoing payload.

  • Push timeout:

    How long the device will wait for a connection accept from the remote service.

  • Push minium resend time:

    This the minimum time before an update can be sent. Some remote services do not want to have updates too often.

Push - HTTP Post

See GravityMon configuration.

Push - HTTP Get

See GravityMon configuration.

Push - InfluxDB v2

See GravityMon configuration.

Push - MQTT

See GravityMon configuration.


Other - Serial

See GravityMon configuration.

Other - Backup

See GravityMon configuration.

Other - Firmware

See GravityMon configuration.

Other - Support

See GravityMon configuration.

Other - Tools

See GravityMon configuration.

Other - About

Shows information about the software